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How to estimate alfalfa quality in the field using PEAQ

Fig. 1 PEAQ stick demonstration in the Minnesota Harvest alert program.

You can estimate alfalfa relative feed value (RFV) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) levels with the Predictive Equations for Alfalfa Quality (PEAQ) system, which gives alfalfa producers a simple way to schedule harvests. A PEAQ stick can be a useful tool when implementing this approach (Figure 1).

The PEAQ stick is currently used in the central Minnesota Harvest Alert/Scissor Cut Program and example results are shown in Figure 2. The PEAQ stick method was developed by the University of Wisconsin. Sticks can be purchased through the Midwest Forage Association RFV PEAQ stick order form.

Fig. 2. Association of PEAQ stick RFV values and spring sampling dates. The PEAQ stick is used in the Minnesota Harvest Alert Program.

How to sample using the PEAQ method

This procedure is most accurate for good stands of pure alfalfa with healthy growth. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a representative 2-square-foot area in the field.
  2. Determine the most mature stem in the 2-square-foot sampling area using the staging criteria shown in Table 1.
  3. Measure the length of the tallest stem in the 2-square-foot area. Measure it from the soil surface (next to plant crown) to the tip of the stem (not to the tip of the highest leaf blade). Straighten the stem to accurately measure its length. The tallest stem may not be the most mature stem.
  4. Based on the most mature stem and length of the tallest stem, use Table 1 to determine the standing alfalfa forage’s estimated RFV content. NDF can be estimated using Table 2.
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 in four or five representative areas across the field. For fields larger than 30 acres, sample more times.

Estimating alfalfa relative feed value (RFV)

The PEAQ sampling procedure estimates alfalfa RFV of the standing crop based on alfalfa maturity and height. It doesn't account for changes in quality due to wilting, harvesting and storage. These factors may further lower RFV by 15 to 25 points, assuming good wilting and harvesting conditions. 

The general recommendation is to harvest when the PEAQ estimate is 15 to 25 RFV points higher than what you want to have in the feed bunk.


Estimating alfalfa neutral detergent fiber (NDF)

The PEAQ sampling procedure estimates alfalfa NDF content of the standing crop. It doesn’t account for changes in quality due to wilting, harvesting and storage. These factors may further raise NDF content by three to six units, assuming good wilting and harvesting conditions.


Craig Sheaffer, Extension forage agronomist

Reviewed in 2023

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