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Wrapping hay

Harvesting high-quality forage can be challenging during periods of rainy weather. To harvest quality dry hay, you need several consecutive days of favorable weather. When it’s wetter during early summer, it’s challenging to harvest and preserve quality forage from the first cutting.

Under these conditions, wrapping wet hay for bale silage is another option to preserve forage quality.

Large bale silage

Large bale silage

To deal with potential losses in forage yield or quality, livestock producers have adopted large bale silage as a method of harvesting their hay crop. Silage bales, also known as baleage, that’ll store longer with less dry matter loss is one key to efficient harvest.

What to know about baleage

Baleage is an alternative to storing dry hay and may be exceedingly helpful during rainy periods of the haying season.

Silage bales are a flexible addition to most feeding programs, and it’s easy to transport them short distances. Feeding baleage is similar to feeding dry hay, but with less storage waste.

However, baleage may not be feasible if you need long-distance transportation to market the hay. Baleage can be as much as half water, so transportation costs often become excessive.

Optimal moisture content

  • The ideal moisture content for baleage is between 40 and 55 percent.
  • Wrapped bales create a condition for proper fermentation and longer-term storage.
  • Dry matter losses will be lower when harvesting at these moisture levels.
  • Producers can end up with tough hay when moisture ranges between 20 and 35 percent. Bales in this lower moisture range should be wrapped to avoid spoilage, but they may not ferment as readily.
  • For all moisture levels, keeping air out is key. 

Plastic wrap thickness

  • At least 6 mils – and preferably 8 mils – of plastic wrap will cover the bale. To achieve this thickness, wrap the bale six times with 1 mil plastic or four times with 1.5 mils plastic.
  • With 4 mils of plastic, oxygen leaked through the plastic, which supports continued microbial growth and spoilage.
  • Total plastic thickness, not the number of wraps, appears to be the most important factor in preventing oxygen from reaching the feed.
  • Line wrappers help reduce plastic costs and wrapping time compared to individually wrapped bales.

When to wrap

  • For optimal preservation, wrap bales within 24 hours of baling using 6- to 8-mil-thick plastic.
  • Bales left unwrapped for more than 48 hours can reach internal temperatures over 130 degrees F. These bales tend to have lower forage quality and greater mold throughout the bales.

Sizing bales

  • Make bales the size and weight for the wrapper and your loader.
  • Most wrappers have an optimum bale length of 4 to 6.5 feet. If bale moisture is quite high, these bales can be quite heavy, so be sure your loader can handle the extra weight.
  • Heavier bales also cause more problems with plastic tears and holes while wrapping, stacking and in storage. With continuous wrapping (sausage style), this may be less of a concern.
  • When you handle large, individually wrapped bales, use a bale grabber instead of a spear unless you plan to immediately feed them.

Storing silage bales

  • Place silage bales on a smooth surface free of sharp objects or crop stubble.
  • Mowing a grassy, well-drained area is a great place to store silage bales.
  • Be sure the area is away from fence lines and other obstructions, so removal isn’t hampered.

Jim Stordahl

Reviewed in 2023

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